
Our College is well served by dedicated bus services from all parts of Huddersfield and Halifax. There are also direct public services from Halifax and Huddersfield. Please click on the links below for further details.

School Bus Transport

West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) are responsible for Kirklees school transport to and from All Saints Catholic College.

Calderdale students transport provider is First Bus.

In addition to the bus services available for students living a distance from College, we encourage our students to walk or cycle to College.

Please click on the bus service to get the school bus timetable information below.

K60     Huddersfield Bus Station – All Saints Catholic College
K65     Fenay Lane – All Saints Catholic College
K66     Mount Roundabout – All Saints Catholic College
K67     All Saints Catholic College – Huddersfield Bus Station (Operates PM Only)
360     Please note this is a public service route and not a dedicated school transport route timetable

Students residing in Birkby must use their dedicated bus route as follows:

360 bus to school in a morning

K67 bus in the afternoon for their return journey.

Please do not board the K66 for either journeys as this service is for students travelling longer distances. Thank you.

Please note that bus services are reviewed from time to time and services may be re-routed or withdrawn.

Before travelling, please check frequently the changes to school services link for revised routes, timetable changes and new operators as well as planned road closures.

Metro standard telephone opening times during term time are 07:45 to 10:00 and again between 14:00 and 16:30. During the school holidays they are open from 10:00 to 14:00 telephone: 0113 251 7272

Young Persons Photo Card for the above services

Metro advise that all students purchase a Young Persons PhotoCard which allows half fare travel for all 11-16 year olds. These are free and available online or from a Bus Station Travel Centre.

Furthermore, if you are worried about finding enough change for bus fare everyday – consider purchasing a School Plus MetroCard, which can be used in conjunction with a Young Persons PhotoCard. MetroCards are available as weekly or monthly passes

The Young Person’s website is the one stop shop for the most up to date services, news, tickets and lots more.

However, if you do have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the education transport team 0113 348 1122.

To use the school bus service, you will need to apply for a bus pass.

To renew/apply for a FARE PAYABLE PASS please apply direct to Metro, please click on the hyperlink below:

Before completing any application forms, please also refer to What is a Priority PhotoCard? and Does my school bus require a Priority PhotoCard?


Halifax Commercial Street – Elland – All Saints Catholic College

From A629 Huddersfield Road/Westbourne Grove via Commercial Street, Skircoat Road,
Huddersfield Road, Salterhebble Hill, Huddersfield Road, A629 Halifax Road, Calderdale
Way, Elland Riorges Link, Dewsbury Road, Clough Lane, Fixby Road, Bradley Road.

07:55  – Halifax Commercial Street stop 21
08:03  – Calderdale Royal Hospital
08:15  – Elland B&M/ Elland Riorges Link
08:32  – All Saints Catholic College

All Saints Catholic College – Elland – Halifax Commercial Street

From Bradley Road via, Fixby Road, Clough Lane, Dewsbury Road, Elland Riorges Link,
Huddersfield Road, Briggate, Elland Bridge, Halifax Road, A629 Calderdale Way,
Huddersfield Road, Salterhebble Hill, Huddersfield Road, Skircoat Road, Ward’s End

15:20  – All Saints Catholic College
15:28  – Elland B&M
15:38  – Calderdale Royal Hospital
15:50  – Halifax Ward’s End

Changes from September 2024

 Please be aware that starting from September 2024,  First Bus will no longer issue travel passes for students attending our school.  This decision is due to repeated violations of their terms and conditions by students using other forms of bus passes for this dedicated school route.  Despite numerous reminders regarding First Bus travel passes for All Saints, students have continued to board the bus with MetroCards.

As a result, from September onward, if your child wishes to use this Halifax First Bus Service, the only available fare will be a single fare costing £2 each way.  Please ensure your child has the correct change for each journey.

For students wishing to continue to use a MetroCard, they will need to travel on the public service 548/549 from Halifax to Brighouse and transfer to the X63.  Please note this is not a dedicated school bus service and you will have to refer to Metro for the dedicated timetables and routes.

To make everybody’s bus journey as enjoyable as possible, we ask Students to observe the following Code of Conduct:

Waiting for the bus

  • Queue sensibly, away from the road
  • Get on the bus calmly, without pushing
  • Parents/Carers must ensure that your child is at the bus stop in good time to catch the bus

On the bus

  • Show your pass to the driver
  • Find a seat and stay seated for the journey
  • Fasten your seatbelt (where applicable) – for safety and as a legal requirement
  • Do not distract the driver unless in an emergency
  • Do not damage the bus
  • Always behave sensibly throughout your journey
  • Never touch the emergency exit
  • Never leave your bag in the aisle

Getting off the bus

  • When your stop is next, ring the bell once
  • If it has already been rung, you do not need to ring it again
  • If you have to cross the road after you get off the bus, wait until the bus has moved off and you can see the road clearly in both directions, or go to the nearest available crossing

Term and conditions of travel

You are respectfully reminded that registering to use the service you undertake to accept the terms and conditions of travel. This includes sanctions which would be applied if the required standard of behaviour is not met

Parents/Carers need to be aware that if their child causes any damage or does not meet the required standard of behaviour on the bus they could:

  • Have their pass withdrawn
  • Be banned from the bus
  • Be prosecuted by the police
  • Be required to pay for any damage they have caused

Bicycles can be used as a method of transport to school by students. However, to safeguard our students, the school has the following expectations:

  • Students will ride sensibly and with due regard to the Highway Code and other road users
  • Cycles are maintained in a roadworthy condition.
  • No cycling is permitted on the school site; students must dismount at the entrance to the school drive and wheel their cycle to the bike racks.
  • All cycles must be parked in the bike racks.
  • Cycles can only be used in the morning and going home at night – they are not allowed off site at lunchtime.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to lock their cycle to the bike rack when in school.
  • All Saints Catholic College will not accept liability for any loss or damage however sustained.
  • Students will be banned from bringing their cycle to school if they cause a nuisance with it.
  • We recommend that you insure your cycle as it is not covered by All Saints Catholic College insurance.

Students travelling on the Huddersfield routes: 

M-Card Landing Page ( 


Students travelling on the C78 Halifax route: 

This is a dedicated service for All Saints, delivered by First Bus.   

All Saints Weekly / Daily Ticket is the only valid ticket for this service.    This can be obtained via FirstBus App or via the driver as follows:

Single Fare £1.50
Weekly Ticket £13.50

First Bus will not accept any other tickets purchased for this service. 


Eligible students for these routes will be issued a Priority Bus Pass by the school during the first 3 weeks of Autumn term and will be allocated either C78 or C79.  Please note students can only board the service which has been allocated to them.


If you require help with transport costs and live in Calderdale, please click on this link:

Should you require help with transport costs and live in Kirklees, please click on this link: