
The chaplaincy here at All Saints is a real team effort, with Fr John, Ms Colligan and our Lay Chaplain Mrs Rhys-Hill, supported by many of our staff and students.

We believe as a Catholic College that chaplaincy should be at the centre of all we do, or more accurately that Jesus should be in the heart of everything at All Saints. We are very lucky to have a chapel within school being able to reserve the blessed sacrament. Staff and students know that the Chapel is a place they can go if they need a place of calm and quiet.

We have daily collective worship as a school, starting and ending the day in prayer. Each year group meets weekly and throughout the year larger services and masses are held to celebrate events in the liturgical calendar.

Our student chaplaincy team are a real testament to their faith, called to assist with services and masses throughout the year. We have several thriving student groups and an involvement with activities run by the Diocese Youth Service.