The school fund for 2023/2024 has so far highlighted the following fundraising across the academic year:
General Fundraising – Macmillan Payment | £145 |
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day payment to charity | £166.68 |
Aid to the Church Charity payment | £134 |
Forget me not – Children hospice | £469.40 |
Unicef | £71.50 |
Totals | £986.58 |
The school fund for 2022/2023 has fundraised across the academic year
General Fundraising – Aid to the Church in Need | £25.72 |
Forget me not – Children hospice | £393.85 |
Macmillan Coffee Morning | £90.59 |
Martin Hospice | £100.30 |
British Legion payment | £90.79 |
Readathon Donation | £41.08 |
Friends of All Saints Fashion Show Fundraising | £597.52 |
Donation to Good Shepherd | £273.97 |
Donation to CAFOD | £216.53 |
£1,830.35 |