
Please note that all class work is being set on Teams for students to access if they need to isolate from school. Work is saved in the subject Team group, simply click on ‘Files’ followed by ‘Class materials’ in the top tool bar, work is saved in folders for each week.

This page will provide you with everything you need to be able to engage and thrive in remote learning at All Saints. As ever, we will provide high quality learning materials to support you to continue studying a broad and balanced curriculum whilst at home.

Remote learning provision at All Saints

Direct link to Teams:

Student wellbeing and engagement

School provision for monitoring student wellbeing, mental health and wellbeing support materials for students and parents

Student attitude and behaviour

Expectations of positive student attitude and appropriate behaviour during remote learning

Accessing remote learning: User guides

Accessing Teams and undertaking remote learning, how to join live learning sessions


Contact details for any enquiries